IMAGINING our inner granny to live MORE authentically and courageously
“Imagining our inner Granny” is a concept taken from Harmony Albertini's book “Bordel soyons libres” that I find very interesting. The idea is to create our “inner granny”, i.e. the person we will be when we are older.
In retrospect, she will be able to distinguish between what is important and what is not. She wants to remember a good, fulfilling life and not be full of regret for all the things we missed out on because of our fears.
Mine would like to say that even though it took me a lot of effort and time, I was able to heal and overcome my traumas, to become a happy, fulfilled and loving person. She would want to congratulate me on all the things I dared to do despite my paralyzing fears, and for hanging on to life believing that things could change and get better. She would be proud of my ability to have put my trust in beautiful people over and over again, despite those who gave me every reason not to ever do so again. Because in the end, without beautiful people, my inner grandma wouldn't have made it to this age.
She would tell me to spend less time worrying about what people will think of me or what I do, because it doesn't matter. The most important thing is to be as authentic as possible and in alignment with my inner compass.
She would tell me to accept my flaws and mistakes, because nobody is perfect and it is my ego which is the perfectionist, not the real Emilie.
She would tell me that I am “enough”, simply by nature.
She would tell me that I am free, and my only prison is the one I build in my head.
She would tell me to make the most of the years of youth I have left, to live as closely as possible to what I feel and want.
What would your inner Granny like to say to herself at the end of her life?