Standards of beauty

Beauty standards vary over time and around the world.

Please watch the following video, which literally blew me away - I didn't realize how much what I considered “beauty” could have been influenced by my culture and time: Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History (


Conclusion: beauty standards are constantly changing and therefore not universal. To cling to them is to imprison ourselves mentally, because they are unattainable for most of us. We are constantly spending our money, wasting our physical and mental energy (by constantly thinking: should I eat this or that? should I try this new miracle method? etc.), our well-being (by starving ourselves and depriving ourselves of the healthy food our bodies need), our health, and so on.

The more we are convinced we are not “beautiful” enough, the more we are willing to make sacrifices (financial, physical and mental) in order to achieve the grail. Capitalism and patriarchy rub their hands... While we spend this time chasing after an “ideal” physique, we don't spend it doing anything more constructive for society or ourselves.


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